It is funny how all paths lead to purpose

What is Your Route to Joy?

Purpose Sprint!

Gill will listen to you, connect with you, and bio-read your energy field. Within three hours, you will have massive breakthroughs in your healing and clarity like never before. You may activate new spiritual gifts or amplify current ones. Your future is up to you, and this session will ensure that you align entirely with your desires and ignite your latent potential. You will then have 21 days of morning support available on a personal link to Gill, and then finally, you will finish with a 1-hour finishing breakthrough session where the new higher vibrational and more confident version of you will begin to thrive with inspiration.

Watch this ten minute interview of Gill Talking about Soul Purpose if you want a deeper insight

Recent Case Study Testimonials

"Gill is a powerhouse of a human. During our first session, Gill correctly identified many different aspects of my life that were not quite working. We got deep, went into the Quantum Field cleared it all and future-visioned. I was amazed and so grateful  Since then, I have had a much better structure and offering for my clients, feel 100% more confident, and have tripled my earnings in two months.’’

Stacey Danson

Relationship Coach

I am a YES coach and mostly help women shift through their confidence barriers to make big waves in the world, Working with Gill has been transformative. It’s hard to put into words ,the impact, I am so glad Gill came into my world. 

We shifted old family low vibe conditioning so now have higher perspectives and zero attachment around things that historically were a no-no. Resulting in more YES's

Every challenge I was set, even if not welcomed, I did and as a result, my belief and trust have grown. Since working with Gill I have cold water swam, sang on video, changed my office into ‘the YES lounge’, raised my prices and grown my confidence in being out there and embodying what I stand for and support clients with. My voice has found a new tone. 

I have openly celebrated my gorgeous family and their successes and the connection in my marriage has returned. Gill dared me to have conversations I would not have considered and I did ALL of it EVERY TIME. I even posed naked for photos. and holding a retreat for others to do the same.

Sarah Snape

Confidence Coach


  • Alchemise your pain into passion

  • Turn all of your metaphoric/ metaphyisical lead into gold

  • Trust you are here for BIGGER things

  • We will see all of your potential in this lifetime intuitively and work with the energy in your body to align your choices with your purpose

  • Know your next steps with whatever is relevant from relationships, work, new business and soul growth

  • Have 21 days of VN and messages to make thinngs happen

£700 (soon to be £1000)

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